Increase switching performance by integrated SiRC snubber in direct cooled SiC power module
Conference: PCIM Europe 2019 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/07/2019 - 05/09/2019 at Nürnberg, Deutschland
Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2019
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Rettmann, Tim (Danfoss Silicon Power GmbH, Germany)
Matlok, Stefan (Fraunhofer IISB, Germany)
Woelfl, Gerhard (BMW Group, Germany)
Horff, Roman (Zollner Elektronik AG, Germany)
In this paper, a direct cooled SiC power module with integrated monolithic silicon-based RC snubber (SiRC) is presented. The main goal of this investigation is to increase the switching speed to operate at higher switching frequencies, such as 100 kHz. In addition, transient overvoltage and oscillation caused by the parasitic elements are suppressed in the measurements. Due to the lower switching losses, it is possible to increase the power density of the power module to achieve higher current values at lower switching frequencies. Therefore, a new direct cooled and molded power module is developed, combining all benefits of best cooling performance, modern chips, sintering, ultrasonic terminal welding, decoupling DC-Link snubber and ultra-low-inductive split terminal on one part. This paper describes development results, measurement and final characteristics of the DCM(TM)1000 research variant (DCMR) 570A module.