Investigation into Dynamic and Static Frequency and Voltage Stability of Embedded Island Grids using Battery-Hybrid-Systems
Conference: NEIS 2018 - Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems
09/20/2018 - 09/21/2018 at Hamburg, Deutschland
Proceedings: NEIS 2018
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Wilkening, L.; Babst, J.; Ackermann, G.; Do, T. T. (Institute for Electrical Power Systems and Automation, University of Technology Hamburg, Eißendorfer Str. 38, 21073 Hamburg, Germany)
This article presents a novel approach for island operation of German low-voltage (LV) grids with high share of photovoltaic (PV) and charging stations for electro mobility (EM). For this purpose, suitable dynamic system models have been developed. This allows the simulation of dynamic events in very small time ranges and the operation man-agement over longer periods of time. In order to proof the assumptions, which were made for the simulation, a LV-grid test bench has been implemented (Figure 4) at the University of Technology Hamburg. It is shown that the frequency and voltage stability can be ensured by the installed grid forming inverters, even for high load steps. An operation strategy has been developed, which makes it possible to operate the LV-grid in island mode without using additional information and communication technology (ICT). For this purpose, a battery hybrid system (BHS) connected to the bus bar operates as a grid forming unit. Furthermore a voltage analysis of rural radial LV-grids has been accomplished by simulating critical days of the year and a bus-bar-voltage control algorithm has been developed.