A review on Low Voltage Ride-though for DFIG Based Wind Turbines
Conference: PCIM Asia 2018 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
06/26/2018 - 06/28/2018 at Shanghai, China
Proceedings: PCIM Asia 2018
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Din, Zakiud; Zhang, Jianzhong; Xu, Zheng (Southeast University, China)
Doubly-Fed Induction Generator for wind power applications is the key interest of researchers for many years due to the advantages like less converter losses and simplified control methods. However it is more vulnerable to faults and grid disturbance. DFIG should be capable to ride through the faults, especially low voltages to meet new grid code requirements. In this paper LVRT technologies for DFIG are discussed in viewpoint of reactive power support and optimal performance during zero or low voltage events. The latest progress in LVRT technologies are presented by reviewing and comparing the current technologies. Finally the possible future developments are discussed.