Magnetostrictive Actuators with 1D and 2D Magnetic Field
Conference: ACTUATOR 2018 - 16th International Conference on New Actuators
06/25/2018 - 06/27/2018 at Bremen, Deutschland
Proceedings: ACTUATOR 2018
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Lee, H. G.; Park, Y. W.; Noh, M. (Chungnam National University, Daejeon, South Korea)
The magnetostrictive inkjet printhead (MagJet), an example of the magnetostrictive actuator with 1D magnetic field, consists of one magnetostrictive actuator, a nozzle, a chamber, and a fluid inlet. The mathematical estimation tells that the droplets are not likely to be made due the inverse of Ohnesorge number less than one. The experimental results, however, show that the MagJet ejects the high viscosity fluid up to 1000 cP at room temperature. The magnetostrictive motor (MagMotor), an example of the magnetostrictive actuator with 2D magnetic field, is composed of one Terfenol-D rod, one toroidal coil, one solenoid coil, a stator, a rotor, and housing. The experimental results show that the MagMotor rotates successfully up to 60 rpm, and about an arbitrary axis.