New SiC 1200 V Power MOSFET & Compact 3.25 mOhm, 41 mm Power Module for Industrial Applications
Conference: PCIM Europe 2018 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
06/05/2018 - 06/07/2018 at Nürnberg, Deutschland
Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2018
Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Casady, Jeffrey; Sabri, Shadi; Ryu, Sei-Hyung; McNutt, Ty; Hull, Brett; McPherson, Brice; Seal, Sayan; Stabach, Jennifer; Curbow, Austin; Martin, Dan; Cole, Zach; Passmore, Brandon; Lostetter, Alex; Allen, Scott; Palmour, John (Wolfspeed, a Cree, Inc. Company, USA)
For the first time, a new SiC chip and module combination is designed and characterized to offer optimal performance and cost. The chip is a 1200V, 13mOmega SiC MOSFET designed for a ½ bridge power module with a possible reduced number of individual gate resistors inside the module and improved immunity to shoot-through. The MOSFET die has a minimal increase in RDSON from 13mOmega at 25deg C to only 20-22mOmega at 175deg C, and low CRSS of 12pF. Under normal operating conditions and thermal environment defined in the manuscript, each SiC MOSFET die is capable of 100-140A of current under normal operating conditions of TC from 25deg C to 95deg C, TJmax of 175deg C. In a ½ bridge configuration, using a TO247 with no Kelvin contact, total switching energy loss is a relatively temperature independent 2.6mJ at 600V, 80A, even though designed for < 30kHz. The compact 41mm module allows up to four MOSFETs per switch position, IDS rating of 340A (approximately seven times higher than Si baseline modules) and lower RDSON (3.25mOmega) than commercial SiC modules over twice its size.