Modeling of ZVS DC-DC Converter for Charging and Voltage Balancing of Energy Storage Elements
Conference: PCIM Europe 2017 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/16/2017 - 05/18/2017 at Nürnberg, Deutschland
Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2017
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hinov, Nikolay; Kraev, George; Arnaudov, Dimitar; Vacheva, Gergana (Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria)
The following paperwork presents model of a ZVS DC-DC converter for charging and voltage balancing of energy storage elements connected in series. Modelling of the converter is carried out in the software environments of LTSpice and MATLAB. The advantages of proposed circuit are the opportunity for charging supercapacitor, current clamping, small switching losses, suitability for realisation of identical modules for several cells, capability to increase number of cells being charged. The developed models of converter and its control system allow model based design of such converters. Their authenticity is verified by comparison between the modelling results and experimental ones. The described main dependencies are used for design of the converters. The experimental examinations are carried out for charging of several supercapacitor battery cells.