New-Generation Trench Schottky Rectifiers (TSR) with Superior Electrical Performance
Conference: PCIM Europe 2017 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/16/2017 - 05/18/2017 at Nürnberg, Deutschland
Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2017
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hsu, Wesley Chih-Wei; Guo, Jia-Jan; Chuang, Ju-Hsu; Chang, Yu-Hung; Wu, Sung-Yin (Liteon Semiconductor Corp., Taiwan)
High-power rectifiers are prevalent in motor control, solar inverters, chargers, adapters and LED lighting. Since the trench Schottky rectifier (TSR) emerged in 1993, it has been conceived as one of the fastest expanding types in the power diodes market. To improve TSR’s performance, the engineering works on doping profile, trench bottom oxide, and trench slope were carried out. In this paper, a newgeneration TSR is demonstrated with superior performance. It proves to conduct 37 % higher forward current than the conventional TSR, suggesting significant die shrinkage feasibility and cost competitiveness. In addition, the computation of figure-of-merit (BV)2/Ron, which relates the breakdown voltage (BV) and specific on-state resistance (Ron), confirms that the advanced TSR is better than the conventional ones in a wide temperature range. Furthermore, the switching test results indicate that the newgeneration TSR has a faster reverse recovery time (Trr), lower peak reverse recovery current (Irm) and fewer reverse recovery charges (Qrr), enabling high frequency and high efficiency in system applications.