Achieving Unity Power Factor with a Unidirectional Single-Phase Four Reverse Blocking IGBTs Buck Type Rectifier

Conference: PCIM Europe 2015 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/19/2015 - 05/20/2015 at Nürnberg, Deutschland

Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2015

Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Saber, Christelle (Renault - SATIE, France)
Labrousse, Denis (Le Cnam - SATIE, France)
Revol, Bertrand (ENS Cachan - SATIE, France)
Gascher, Alain (Renault, France)

This work aims to study a single phase Buck-Boost charger for electric vehicles. Buck-type rectifiers inject low order input current harmonics into AC mains. Thus, an inductor-capacitor (LC) based input filter is employed. The capacitor’s reactive energy results in a leading grid current. In order to achieve a unity displacement power factor, a phase shift based control is implemented. This control strategy combined with the topology of the Buck converter results in a periodical resonance of the input filter. An active damping with resonance frequency tracking that achieves a good power factor while meeting the IEC’s International Standards on harmonic current emissions is, thus, proposed and studied.