Non-destructive analysis of an IGBT for switching simulation with the Charge Extraction Model

Conference: PCIM Europe 2014 - International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management
05/20/2014 - 05/22/2014 at Nürnberg, Deutschland

Proceedings: PCIM Europe 2014

Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Schumann, Joerg; Eckel, Hans-Guenter (University of Rostock, Germany)

The Charge Extraction Model (CEM) is a physical based IGBT model for circuit simulations of the switching-off behaviour. It describes the clear out of the plasma and takes the time derivative of the peak electrical field for setting the feedback from the collector to the gate. This physical approach allows the correct simulating of fast changes of the gate current during the switching transients. In this paper is showed, how the parameters for the CEM can be extracted by non-destructive measurements and without using vendor know-how of the chip.