Using Analog Meta-Stabilities in Asynchronously Feed-Backed Circuits

Conference: edaWorkshop 13 - Tagungsband
05/14/2013 - 05/16/2013 at Dresden, Germany

Proceedings: edaWorkshop 13

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Uygur, Gürkan; Sattler, Sebastian M. (Lehrstuhl für Zuverlässige Schaltungen und Systeme, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Paul-Gordan-Str. 5, 91052 Erlangen, Deutschland)

Asynchronously feed-backed circuits are allowing for technologically versus digitally determined output which can be suppressed by forbidding the inducing digitally input sequence. We present a novel methodology to exactly explore this digitally assisted analog phenomenon in order to build up a representative test bench that is able to enforce meta-stable behavior, non-deterministics, instabilities as well as oscillations in feed-backed structures. Further, we introduce our definitions for consistently modeling under state transition graphs, provide all entities for modeling asynchronously feed-backed structures and state our proposed methodology with an exemplary asynchronous circuitry. The given example is explained at a high level of abstraction, all data for revision is provided, too. The approach seems to be capable to test for meta-stabilities, analog behavior in feed-backed digital structures.