Investigation of a Critical Voltage Proximity Index at Distribution Level

Conference: UPEC 2011 - 46th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference
09/05/2011 - 09/08/2011 at Soest, Germany

Proceedings: UPEC 2011

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Polycarpou, Alexis (Frederick University, Cyprus)
Nouri, Hassan (University of the West of England, UK)

A developed mathematical index is investigated in this paper. The index is applied on distribution test systems, and verified for its compatibility through the use of a tap changing transformer scheme. Three induction motor load variation scenarios are investigated in order to establish the effectiveness and accuracy of the index. The development of a multiple tap changing controller scheme within PSCAD software is also described. The index improves the power quality of a system, through providing a tool for on-line voltage sag mitigation.