CoMP in Heterogeneous Networks: Low-Complexity Joint Cooperative Resource Allocation with SDMA
Conference: OFDM 2012 - 17th International OFDM Workshop 2012 (InOWo'12)
08/29/2012 - 08/30/2012 at Essen, Germany
Proceedings: OFDM 2012
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Akbudak, Tarik; Czylwik, Andreas (Chair of Communication Systems, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany)
Coordinated multipoint transmission (CoMP) is considered for a heterogeneous network where different kinds of base stations (BS) are located. We focus on joint cooperative resource allocation including linear transceiver design and user scheduling with the goal of maximizing the weighted sum rate in the downlink of a multipleinput multiple-output orthogonal frequency division multiple access (MIMO-OFDMA) system, where each frequency resource can be allocated to multiple users at a given time instance, i.e., space division multiple access (SDMA) is enabled. Furthermore, we consider the case where multiple streams are allocated per user. Since the optimal solutions are extremely computationally complex to obtain, we introduce some scheduling metrics for selecting the most suitable subsets of users on each subchannel and propose a suboptimal joint resource allocation algorithm using these metrics. The proposed algorithm is able to take linear per-BS power constraints into account, and simulation results indicate that using the proposed algorithm achieves near-optimal solutions regardless of the scheduling metric chosen. Index Terms — Weighted sum rate maximization, linear transceiver design, user scheduling, signal-to-leakege-noise ratio.