A Game theoretical approach for spectrum sharing in cognitive radio systems with payoff perturbations
Conference: OFDM 2012 - 17th International OFDM Workshop 2012 (InOWo'12)
08/29/2012 - 08/30/2012 at Essen, Germany
Proceedings: OFDM 2012
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Li, Liang; Pesavento, Marius (Communication Systems Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany)
We study a spectrum allocation game where K cognitive radio systems compete for a number of free resource blocks in frequency domain. In particular, we concentrate on the impact of the perturbations in the payoff functions and the problem of equilibrium selection. Based on the simulated data throughput, we first address the problem of designing an appropriate spectrum allocation game. Our study shows that if we can persistently increase the accuracy of the simulation results, we are able to find the approximate Nash equilibria, which are arbitrarily close to the Nash equilibria of the real spectrum allocation game. Then, we study the problem of equilibrium selection, where we exploit the concepts of payoff dominance and the focal-point effect to select a unique Nash equilibrium. At last, we demonstrate the performance of the spectrum allocation game in an LTE system context. Index Terms — Cognitive radio, spectrum sharing, game theory, LTE.