Performance Evaluation of the Distributed Radar Tracking System PHOENIX: a Case Study

Conference: MMB 2008 - 14th GI/ITG Conference - Measurement, Modelling and Evalutation of Computer and Communication Systems
03/31/2008 - 04/02/2008 at Dortmund, Germany

Proceedings: MMB 2008

Pages: 15Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Schmid, M.; Schaefer, J.; Kroeger, R. (Wiesbaden University of Applied Sciences, Distributed Systems Lab, Kurt-Schumacher-Ring 18, D-65197 Wiesbaden, Germany)
Heidger, R.; Engels, K.; Milekovic, M. (Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH (DFS), Am DFS-Campus 10, D-63225 Langen, Germany)
Thoss, M. (tang-IT Consulting GmbH, Nordenstadter Str. 38, D-65207 Wiesbaden, Germany)

Code instrumentation is essential for quality assurance during application development as well as for production system monitoring. Especially for critical applications, capabilities for a detailed analysis of internal processing are of high importance. This paper discusses performance instrumentation and results for PHOENIX, the distributed radar tracking system developed by the DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung (German Air Navigation Services). Part of the instrumentation approach is eMIVA4, a set of IDE-based tools for semi-automatic source-code instrumentation that improve efficiency and consistency of the instrumentation process, and especially support developers without further knowledge of instrumentation technologies.