Closed Loop Controlled Liquid Dosing System
Conference: Smart Systems Integration 2008 - 2nd European Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MOMS, MOEMS, ICS and Electronic Components
04/09/2008 - 04/10/2008 at Barcelona, Spain
Proceedings: Smart Systems Integration 2008
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Götz, Martin; Ashauer, Matthias; Storz, Matthias; Kleiser, Michael; Zengerle, Roland (HSG-IMIT, Microfluidics, Villingen-Schw., Germany)
We present an approach for a low cost liquid dosing system. The innovation is based on a smart combination of a thermal mass flow microsensor with commercially available low cost components. The system operates at 0.5-20ml/min volume flow rate and 0-100kPa back pressure. It enables a volume flow with significantly reduced pulsation and a low standard deviation of < 1%. The energy consumption is below 1W. High quality dosing systems usually are high priced. In contrast low cost systems show a high output mass flow pulsation and a low accuracy. Goal of our approach is to offer a significantly improved accuracy and small pulsation at low costs.