Micro/nano integration of organic/inorganic hybrid nanostructures on the basis of molecular self-assembly and dielectrophoresis
Conference: Smart Systems Integration 2008 - 2nd European Conference & Exhibition on Integration Issues of Miniaturized Systems - MOMS, MOEMS, ICS and Electronic Components
04/09/2008 - 04/10/2008 at Barcelona, Spain
Proceedings: Smart Systems Integration 2008
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Csáki, Andrea (IPHT, Dept. Nano Biophotonics, Jena, Germany)
The development of nanoscale hybrid structures and their integration in micro structured environment provides a technical realization of novel nanodevices. We will show simple and cost-effective methods, e.g. dielectrophoresis, for the integration of biomolecules like DNA and metal nanoparticles into the microelectronic periphery. The integrated DNA molecules should act as framework molecules for nanowires and transistors. Different parameters for micro/nano integration were tested. The presented construction with dielectrophoresis offers a parallelized and cost-effective integration of building blocks or devices in a (top-down) technological environment.