Conducting silver hybrid particles for RFID applications
Conference: MikroSystemTechnik - KONGRESS 2007
10/15/2007 - 10/17/2007 at Dresden, Germany
Proceedings: MikroSystemTechnik
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Türke, Alexander; Fischer, W.-J. (Fraunhofer Institut IPMS, Dresden, Germany)
Pich, Andrij; Adler, H.-J. P. (TU-Dresden Professur für Makromolekulare Chemie und Textilchemie, Dresden, Germany)
We report on the modification of polymer latex particles with silver to achieve conducting core-shell particles for electronic circuits. Different types of polymeric particles have been prepared in an emulsion polymerization process. A two step procedure has been used to deposit silver on the surface of polymeric particles. In the first step silver ions coordinate on the polymer particle surface via electrostatic forces, second a reducing agent was added to transform Ag+ ions into Ag0 . Electronic measurements were performed to investigate the conductivity of the obtained films.