10-Gb/s Slow-light Performance Based on SBS Effect in Optical Fiber using NRZ and PSBT Modulation Formats
Conference: ECOC 2007 - 33rd European Conference and Exhibition of Optical Communication
09/16/2007 - 09/20/2007 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: ECOC 2007
Pages: 2Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Yi, Lilin; Jaoun, Yves; Gabet, Renaud (GET/Telecom Paris, CNRS UMR5141, 46 rue Barrault, 75634 Paris, France)
Yi, Lilin; Hu, Weisheng; Su, Yikai (SKL of AOCSN, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 800 Dongchuan Rd, Shanghai 200240, China)
Bigo, Sbastien (Alcatel-Lucent France Research & Innovation, Route de Villejust, 91620 Nozay, France)
For the first time, we have demonstrated error-free operation of slow-light via SBS in optical fiber for 10-Gb/s NRZ and PSBT formats. The PSBT signal sensivity is 5.2dB better than the NRZ case for a 35-ps delay.