Repair Functions and Redundancy Management for Bus Structures
Conference: ARCS 2007 - 20th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems 2007
03/15/2007 at Zurich, Switzerland
Proceedings: ARCS 2007
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Kothe, R.; Vierhaus, H. T. (Computer Science Department, Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus)
Predictions concerning the properties of circuits and devices fabricated in nanotechnologies indicate problems with parameter fluctuations for active devices and with the stability of interconnecting networks. While technologies that recognize and compensate transient and dynamic faults on interconnects are existing and in wide-spread use, mechanisms for built-in repair functions on interconnects have hardly been explored. This paper describes a novel scheme for built-in self repair of interconnects that can handle static and dynamic faults at reasonable overhead.