Exploring the revenue opportunity created by migrating voice and data services to an NGN platform
Conference: networks 2006 - 12th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning - Symposium
11/06/2006 - 11/09/2006 at New Delhi, India
Proceedings: networks 2006
Pages: 15Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Bailey, Robin (Analysys Consulting Ltd)
The majority of incumbent operators worldwide carry voice traffic on traditional circuit-switched networks. Data services such as ATM or frame relay are typically handled by separate network architectures where each service is switched separately. The cost of launching new services in such an inflexible environment may be prohibitive. Operators believe they can achieve major capital and operational cost savings by migrating their existing voice and data services to a common next generation network (NGN) platform, where individual service interfaces are delivered at the edge of the network through multi-service access gateways. An NGN platform also significantly reduces the cost and schedule barriers to launching new services. The best migration strategy will vary according to the design and age of the existing network. Analysys has developed a reference model using its STEM business-modelling software that explores the cost implications of different scenarios for this transition and offers a scaleable methodology for modelling these diverse network architectures. An extension to the model evaluates the incremental business case for additional IPTV services deployed on the NGN platform.