Smart Caching in Mobile IP Enabled Networks
Conference: European Wireless 2006 - 12th European Wireless Conference 2006 - Enabling Technologies for Wireless Multimedia Communications
04/02/2006 - 04/05/2006 at Athens, Greece
Proceedings: European Wireless 2006
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Goebbels, Stephan (RWTH Aachen University, Faculty 6, Chair of Communication Networks, Aachen, Germany)
This paper will present a new caching strategy to support mobile users in heterogeneous network environments. By buffering user data at the edge of the core network cabled and wireless sections are decoupled, so that the end-to-end performance will be improved. The protocol and architecture similarity to the MobileIP approach will be used to motivate the cooperation and integration of both techniques. The new system concept for caching-enabled wireless all-IP networks is introduced and evaluated. The simulation results will show how smart caching will improve the overall network performance perceived by end users. The throughput will be drastically increased and for non-real-time services a virtually continuous broadband connection will be provided even in case of fragmentary network coverage. The paper will expose the performance gain of the new protocol and its impact on end user convenience.