Future Challenges within Numerical Field Calculation in Industrial Machine Development in the Power Range from 200kW to 2000MW
Conference: CEM 2006 - 6th International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics
04/04/2006 - 04/06/2006 at Aachen, Germany
Proceedings: CEM 2006
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Drubel, Oliver (Siemens AG, A&D LDI, Nürnberg)
Numerical field calculation is a powerful tool for the design in electrical machines. Developed methods and programs enable the skilled engineer already to solve nearly all field problems, which occur in reality. This paper tries to evaluate gaps, which still exist, and areas in which modern tools could develop to increase their value in future. Today’s tools for numerical field calculations are in principle sufficient for the development of large turbo generators which need to be conservative and quality driven. Their main challenge will be to increase the amount of possible elements, reduce calculation times and a proper interaction between electrical, mechanical and thermal problems. The fast developing wind market with huge requests for torque in small volumes will sooner or later develop in the direction of 3-dimensional torque generation area machines. The 3-dimensions will determine already the design phase of the whole machine. About 50 completely 3-dimensional calculations will be necessary within few weeks allowing for more than 10 mio. elements. Tools like virtual reality would be integrated to allow for a proper evaluation of the calculation results and fast calculation model adjustments. The development in the far future may go more and more in the direction to integrate the electrical drive within the mechanical load. A thermomechalektric numerical-system would integrate the process of electrical design, fluid dynamics and mechanical design here.