iTutor: Mobile/Wearable Technologies and Adaptive Multimodal Interaction for supporting Information Management and Training in Industrial Environme
Conference: IFAWC - International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing - 2nd International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing 2005
03/17/2005 - 03/18/2005 at Zurich, Switzerland
Proceedings: IFAWC - International Forum on Applied Wearable Computing
Pages: 14Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Bo, Giancarlo; Vaccaro, Roberto; Lorenzon, Andrea (GIUNTI Interactive Labs S.r.l., Via Portobello, Abbazia dell’Annunziata, 16039 Sestri, Levante, Italy)
The iTutor platform addresses the increasing needs originating in contemporary industrial workspaces for effective and efficient distribution of electronic information within learning, knowledge transfer and information management process. In order to achieve the goal of a flexible and adaptable information delivery in the working environment, iTutor integrates leading edge wearable devices with a voice and gaze controlled, web-based graphical user interface based on the XML standard. The platform is wirelessly integrated with an information system where the technical information is stored. As a use case iTutor has been conceived to support the training and the daily activity of maintainers needing to have their hands free in order to complete a task. Further evolutions of iTutor towards a service-based framework with extended features are discussed as well.