Development of a broadband current measurement shunt for use in HVDC systems
Conference: VDE Hochspannungstechnik - 5. ETG-Fachtagung
11/11/2024 - 11/13/2024 at Berlin, Germany
Proceedings: ETG-Fb. 175: VDE Hochspannungstechnik 2024
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
Ketel, Margarethe; Ketel, Daniel; Hirsch, Holger; Stammen, Joerg; Kaluza, Karl; Kolbe, Marcel
The aim of the study is the development of a broadband shunt design for precise current measurement in high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems. It addresses the limitations of existing shunts in a precise measurement of the direct current (up to 6 kA) superimposed with AC components up to 100 kHz. This study deals with the optimization of a shunt geometry to mitigate current displacement effects, refining the arrangement of measuring taps to reduce external electromagnetic interference and optimizing thermal management due to high DC currents. These investigations are supported by numerical field simulations and measurements and by measuring the real and imaginary components of shunt impedance. A shunt proto-type is developed based on the outcomes. The new design demonstrated a 3dB bandwidth of at least 100 kHz and a high DC accuracy (0.1%).