Beyond 200 Terabit per Second S+C+L-band Transmission over Ultra-Wideband Anti-Resonant Hollow-Core Fibre

Conference: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
09/22/2024 - 09/26/2024 at Frankfurt, Germany

Proceedings: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024

Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF

He, Zhixue; Li, Chao; Liu, Xumeng; Liu, Zichen; Wang, Qibing; Jin, Siyue; Chen, Hui; Luo, Ming; Zhang, Xu; Gao, Shoufei; Wang, Yingying; Ding, Wei; Wang, Lei; Yu, Shaohua

Supported by our recent progress in fabrication and characterization of low-loss, broadband anti-resonant hollow-core fiber (AR-HCF), we demonstrate the great potential of AR-HCF in ultra-high-capacity coherent DWDM transmission by exploiting its wider usable bands, achieving record capacity of beyond 200 Tb/s in entire S+C+L-band.