Lattice-type Reconfigurable Spectral Filter for S/C/L Multiband WDM Signal Equalization
Conference: ECOC 2024 - 50th European Conference on Optical Communication
09/22/2024 - 09/26/2024 at Frankfurt, Germany
Proceedings: ITG-Fb. 317: ECOC 2024
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
Morimoto, Yoshie; Suzuki, Kenya; Yamaguchi, Keita; Hamaoka, Fukutaro; Nakamura, Masanori; Kobayashi, Takayuki; Miyamoto, Yutaka; Moriwaki, Osamu
We present a multiband reconfigurable spectral filter with a low insertion loss of < 1.5 dB to equalize optical spectra for ultra-wideband WDM systems. The proposed filter successfully equalized spectral non-flatness over the S/C/L bands. We also demonstrated > 1.3-Tbps/wavelength transmission through the proposed filter.