Analysis of Voltage Sensitivity as System Strength in Future Power Grids
Conference: Transformation der Stromversorgung – Netzregelung und Systemführung - 15. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung „Netzregelung und Systemführung“
08/17/2024 - 08/18/2024 at Munich, Germany
Proceedings: ETG-Fb. 174: Transformation der Stromversorgung – Netzregelung und Systemführung
Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF
Struwe, Julian; Wrede, Holger; Vennegeerts, Hendrik
There is a growing need for ways to analyse power system strength. This work proposes a new approach that is not based on the short-circuit current contribution or the resulting impedance, but instead exclusively measures the resilience of the voltage vector to changes in the grid. This sensitivity is measured at various nodes in a representative grid as the basis for developing a metric of grid strength. In comparison with the Equivalent Short-Circuit Ratio, it is shown that the results of the new method are significantly more precise for non-synchronous generation as the contribution of grid-forming converters is automatically taken into account.