Cooperative and distributed cybersecurity analysis for the automotive domain

Conference: AmE 2022 – Automotive meets Electronics - 13. GMM-Symposium
09/29/2022 - 09/30/2022 at Dortmund, Germany

Proceedings: GMM-Fb. 104: AmE 2022

Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF

Schmittner, Christoph (Digital Safety & Security, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria)
Wieland, Konrad (LieberLieber Software, Austria)
Macher, Georg (Institut für Technische Informatik, TU Graz, Austria)

With the introduction of cooperative and intelligent functions, cybersecurity is becoming one of the next challenges for the automotive domain. An approach is needed, that allows to divide cybersecurity engineering and merge argumentation artefacts, from the overall vehicle level to components. The development, and publication of ISO/SAE DIS 21434 “Road vehicles — Cybersecurity engineering” represents a major step forward for cybersecurity engineering in the automotive domain. While ISO/SAE 21434 is the first international standard for automotive cybersecurity there is also a new type approval regulation on automotive cybersecurity (UN R155) for the European market. We present an overview of automotive cybersecurity risk assessment and detail a model-based approach, applicable from vehicle to subsequent levels.