Passive, frequency-selective piezoelectric MEMS with wake-up electronics for ultra-low-power vibration sensors

Conference: EASS 2022 - 11. GMM-Fachtagung Energieautonome Sensorsysteme 2022
07/05/2022 - 07/06/2022 at Erfurt, Germany

Proceedings: GMM-Fb. 102: EASS 2022

Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF

Stoeckel, Chris; Zimmermann, Sven; Kuhn, Harald (Chemnitz University of Technology & Fraunhofer ENAS, Germany)
Shaporin, Alexey; Forke, Roman (Fraunhofer ENAS, Chemnitz, Germany)
Schaller, Falk; Melzer, Marcel (ZfM, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)

In this paper we present an energy autarkic vibration sensor system for condition monitoring. The sensor is triggered by an external event like shock or vibration to turn on an additional sensing electronics or to directly integrate the occurring vibration into nanoionic memory elements. The MEMS part, based on an AlN resonator, is designed to be sensitive for mechanical vibrations of about 2 kHz. The sensor signals are digitized, stored and processed. The concepts presented in this contribution use the non-electrical sensor signal itself as energy supply source to directly extract and store the information