Influence of a dynamic load management on the future grid planning of urban low-voltage grids
Conference: ETG-Kongress 2021 - ETG-Fachtagung
03/18/2021 - 03/19/2021 at Online
Proceedings: ETG-Fb. 163: ETG-Kongress 2021
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
Wintzek, Patrick; Ali, Shawki Alsayed; Talmond, Felix; Zdrallek, Markus (University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal, Germany)
Roestel, Thomas (Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
Monscheidt, Julian; Gemsjaeger, Ben; Slupinski, Adam (Siemens AG, Power Technologies International, Erlangen, Germany)
In the context of the ever-increasing demand for infrastructure for electromobility as well as the expansion of electric heat pumps for heat supply, grid planning is confronted with integrating these new loads into existing urban low voltage grids and providing appropriate measures at an early stage. In order to prevent or delay conventional grid expansions, this contribution analyses the influence of dynamic load management on grid planning. For three different variants depending on the respective grid state, it is shown that a control of private charging points and heat pumps is the most successful. This is followed by the variants with only private charging points without heat pumps and only public charging points as a theoretical consideration. Furthermore, from the point of view of the residential structure it is shown that load management is most effective in percentage where there is a ratio of 2-3 metering points per house connection per feeder.