Identification of relevant local grid stations for a smart grid automation system

Conference: ETG-Kongress 2021 - ETG-Fachtagung
03/18/2021 - 03/19/2021 at Online

Proceedings: ETG-Fb. 163: ETG-Kongress 2021

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

Raczka, Sebastian; Hilbrich, Dominik; Rehtanz, Christian (Technische Universität Dortmund, Institut ie3, Dortmund, Germany)

Due to increasing loads such as electric vehicles or heat pumps on the one hand and infeed from renewable energy resources (RES) on the other, the monitoring of distribution grids gains extra significance. As a consequence of a large number of low and medium voltage grids, the question arises which grid areas and especially grid stations should be selected for an automation system. For this purpose, a methodology will be presented, enabling the identification of suitable grids and local substations for a smart grid automation system.