Filter Design in the High Voltage System of Electric Vehicles with Respect to Ripple Limits
Conference: AmE 2020 – Automotive meets Electronics - 11. GMM-Fachtagung
03/10/2020 - 03/11/2020 at Dortmund, Deutschland
Proceedings: GMM-Fb. 95: AmE 2020
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
Pazmany, Jozsef Gabor; Rechberger, Klaus (Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Weissach, Germany)
Baeker, Bernard (Institut für Automobiltechnik, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany)
In the high voltage (HV ) supply systems of Battery electric vehicles (BEV ) current oscillations as conducted disturbances are present due to the switching operation of the power electronic devices. These oscillations have a great impact on the power quality and influences the availability and efficiency of the system operation. The enhanced number of power electronics devices connected to the high voltage supply system are improving the complexity and possibility of appearance of undesired mutual effects between the HV devices. Consequently, the proper design parameter choice such as input filter sizing is becoming a main integration challenge. In this work a summary of the requirements for the automotive HV supply systems for the voltage and current ripple in the frequency range up to 150 kHz is shown. The critical design and integration challenges with respect to the requirements on the voltage ripple are presented. As well as the evaluation of the relevant electrical characteristics on device and system level to guarantee the reliable and stable operation of the automotive HV supply system are highlighted. As main contribution a methodology is shown to size the input filters of auxiliary loads to guarantee system level voltage ripple limits in complex vehicular architectures. The required simulation models and measurements are also shown to validate the design methodology.