The Ancillary Response of Storage Power Plants (SPP) in the Present and Future Electrical Grid

Conference: Energiewende in der Stromversorgung – Systemstabilität und -sicherheit - 13. ETG/GMA-Fachtagung Netzregelung und Systemführung
09/18/2019 - 09/19/2019 at Berlin, Deutschland

Proceedings: Energiewende in der Stromversorgung – Systemstabilität und -sicherheit

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Weber, Harald (Electrical Energy Supply (EEV), Institute for Electrical Power Engineering (IEE), University of Rostock, 18059 Rostock, Germany)

It is expected that in the near future, the electrical power supply networks will be significantly revolutionized. Most of today’s conventional power plant structures will give way to a novel, inertia independent (free from rotating masses) power plant system. Such systems, called storage power plants, will possess storages for different generation speed together with power electronic converters. They will be able to integrate and store energy from renewable sources. However, to be deemed truly feasible in the present scenario, these storage power plants must be able to function efficiently when they are integrated with conventional power plants and renewable energy sources. They should be able to satisfy the frequency dependent grid regulatory services involving spinning reserve, primary and secondary control in combination with other types of power plants. Hence, in this paper, the storage power plants are connected with thermal, hydroelectric and wind power plants, in a single network, and their dynamic ancillary response is studied when there are sudden disturbances in the electrical grid in the form of changes in power consumption by loads or generation from renewable sources.