Low-complexity Detection for Spatial Modulation
Conference: SCC 2019 - 12th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding
02/11/2019 - 02/14/2019 at Rostock, Germany
Proceedings: SCC 2019
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Freudenberger, Juergen; Rohweder, Daniel (Institute for System Dynamics, HTWG Konstanz, University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Shavgulidze, Sergo (Faculty of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, Georgian Technical University, Georgia)
The computational complexity of the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) detector for spatial modulation increases rapidly as more transmit antennas or larger modulation orders are employed. Hence, ML detection may be infeasible for higher bit rates. This work proposes an improved suboptimal detection algorithm based on the Gaussian approximation method. It is demonstrated that the new method is closely related to the previously published signal vector based detection and the modified maximum ratio combiner, but can improve the detection performance compared to these methods. Furthermore, the performance of different signal constellations with suboptimal detection is investigated. Simulation results indicate that the performance loss compared to ML detection depends heavily on the signal constellation, where the recently proposed Eisenstein integer constellations are beneficial compared to classical QAM or PSK constellations.