Exploiting Antenna Arrays for Position Tracking of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Conference: WSA 2018 - 22nd International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas
03/14/2018 - 03/16/2018 at Bochum, Deutschland

Proceedings: WSA 2018

Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF

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Tonello, Andrea; Pathuri Bhuvana, Venkata (Institute of Networked and Embedded Systems, Alpen-Adria University Kalgenfurt, Austria)

This paper firstly identifies and discuses the main challenges in exploiting antenna arrays to track the position of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Then, a specific radio localization method based on the multiple differential phaseof- arrival (D-PoA) and time-of-arrival (TOA) measures at a 3- axial uniform linear array (3A-ULA) is presented to estimate the positron of an UAV with respect to a reference point. The D-PoA and TOA measures are coupled with a dynamic motion model of the UAV to enable the usage of non-linear Bayesian estimation methods such as the particle filter (PF) and the cuabture Kalman filter (CKF) to improve the positioning accuracy. Furthermore, a comparison in terms of accuracy and complexity of the PF and the CKF for the considered application is presented. To assess the estimation accuracy of these methods, a confined area random aerial trajectory emulator algorithm is used to generate actual paths of the flying UAVs.