Certification of PGUs and PGPs - What's next?
Conference: International ETG Congress 2017 - International ETG Congress 2017
11/28/2017 - 11/29/2017 at Bonn, Deutschland
Proceedings: International ETG Congress 2017
Pages: 2Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Scheefer, Christian; Hoppmann, Alina; Luetke-Lengerich, Christoph (FGH Zertifizierungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany)
The liberalization of the energy markets demanded for guidelines regulating the access to the market as well as defining technical requirements to guarantee a safe and reliable operation of the network grids. Following the harmonization inside the European Union, the Network Code on Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators (RfG) defines the technical requirements for the connection of power generating units (PGU), plants (PGP) and their components. In Germany, certification of power generating units and plants is proved and tested; certification of components will stand the test of time as well. So why shouldn’t the manufacturers jump on the bandwagon?