Advanced Application-Oriented Testing for Protection Systems
Conference: International ETG Congress 2017 - International ETG Congress 2017
11/28/2017 - 11/29/2017 at Bonn, Deutschland
Proceedings: International ETG Congress 2017
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Hilbrich, Dominik; Rehtanz, Christian (Technische Universtiät Dortmund, Institute ie3, Dortmund, Germany)
This paper introduces an advanced methodology for testing protection and control systems. The application-oriented testing is based on real grid topology information. Based on this information, real grid topology is modelled for closedloop real-time simulations, which enhances the test procedure to validate more complex protection and control functionalities. An automated grid modelling concept based on IEC 61970-301 is used to avoid manual grid modelling. This automated modelling is validated using the CIGRE LV benchmark grid. Finally, an application-oriented test is exemplarily executed for a prototypical distance protection system.