Experimental Demonstration of 112-Gbit/s PAM-4 over up to 80 km SSMF at 1550 nm for Inter-DCI Applications
Conference: ECOC 2016 - 42nd European Conference on Optical Communication
09/18/2016 - 09/22/2016 at Düsseldorf, Deutschland
Proceedings: ECOC 2016
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Eiselt, Nicklas (ADVA Optical Networking SE, Märzenquelle 1-3, 98617 Meiningen, Germany & Technical University of Denmark, D. of Photonics Engineering, Ørsteds Plads, Build. 343, 2800, Denmark)
Heide, Sjoerd van der; Okonkwo, Chigo (COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands)
Griesser, Helmut; Eiselt, Michael (ADVA Optical Networking SE, Märzenquelle 1-3, 98617 Meiningen, Germany)
Vegas Olmos, Juan Jose; Tafur Monroy, Idelfonso (Technical University of Denmark, D. of Photonics Engineering, Ørsteds Plads, Build. 343, 2800, Denmark)
We experimentally demonstrate 112-Gbit/s PAM-4 over 80 km SSMF at 1550 nm. It is shown, that a channel shortening filter (CSF) matched to the memory of a subsequent MLSE significantly improves the performance while keeping complexity manageable.