CSK mission status and experimentation results
Conference: EUSAR 2016 - 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
06/06/2016 - 06/09/2016 at Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings: EUSAR 2016
Pages: 3Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Grimani, Valerio; Bussi, Barbara; Salemme, Pasquale; Perrera, Andrea; Pepe, Pasquale (Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.A., Italy)
Inversi, Paolo; Esposito, Pier Giorgio (Telespazio S.p.A., Italy)
Oddone, Axel (e-Geos S.p.A., Italy)
De Luca, Giuseppe Francesco; Coletta, Alessandro (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI), Italy)
One of the most challenging tasks of COSMO-SkyMed mission is the maintenance of such a complex system. Despite all four satellites are beyond the end of their lifetime, all the performances are fully preserved. This is possible also thanks to a continuous and careful control of the entire system. Moreover, in order to face market competition and to fulfill customers’ needs, a process for the implementation of improved SAR Spotlight modes inside COSMO-SkyMed system has been put in place. This paper technically traces the natural evolution of the system from COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) toward COSMO Seconda Generazione (CSG) through an intermediate step characterized by an experimentation phase possible thanks to the high flexibility of CSK project and design.