Numerical SAR Processing Scheme for Generic Very-High Resolution Spotlight Acquisitions
Conference: EUSAR 2016 - 11th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar
06/06/2016 - 06/09/2016 at Hamburg, Germany
Proceedings: EUSAR 2016
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Linde-Cerezo, Alejandro (German Aerospace Center, Germany & Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
Rodriguez-Cassola, Marc; Prats-Iraola, Pau; Moreira, Alberto (German Aerospace Center, Germany)
Alvarez-Perez, Jose Luis (Universidad de Alcalá, Spain)
The assumption of hyperbolical range histories is at the core of many conventional SAR image formation schemes. The model however breaks down in usual very-high resolution SAR cases, be it monostatic or bistatic. Whereas the accommodation of non-hyperbolical range histories has been sufficiently addressed in the literature on bistatic SAR, the handling of time and frequency folding has been paid far less attention. We put forward a purely numerical, yet efficient, SAR processing scheme for generic very-high resolution spotlight acquisitions based on SPECAN. The algorithm is basically composed of two distinct steps: a) a numerical range-variant SAR image formation kernel, and b) a numerical subaperture handler. Residual geometrical corrections may be reduced to a minimum with the use of the suggested methodology. The validity of the approach is demonstrated by showing results on simulated orbital raw data of a monostatic PAZ, and a bistatic TanDEM-X staring spotlight acquisition.