TVWS Indoor Propagation Model
Conference: WSA 2016 - 20th International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas
03/09/2016 - 03/11/2016 at München, Deutschland
Proceedings: WSA 2016
Pages: 5Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Kryszkiewicz, Paweł; Kliks, Adrian (Chair of Wireless Communications, Poznan University of Technology, Poznań, Poland)
The idea of efficient system coexistence in the so called TV White Spaces has attracted the researchers for many years. One of the recent research paths focuses on the application of such concept for the small-scale systems which can be deployed inside or around certain building. In this paper an analysis of the measurements is provided which were conducted in the premises of Poznan University of Technology in last quarter of 2015. The goal of these measurements was not to check the presence of the white spaces, but to model the TV white space transmission channel and propose a very simple (thus easily applicable) indoor propagation model following ITU recommendations. Such a model can be used for faster deployment of indoor/outdoor secondary systems operating in the TV band.