A Highly Dependable Reactive Architecture Layer for Autonomous Robots based on an Artificial Analog Hormone System
Conference: ANALOG 2014 – Analogschaltungen im Systemkontext - Beiträge der 14. GMM/ITG-Fachtagung
09/17/2014 - 09/19/2014 at Hannover, Deutschland
Proceedings: ANALOG 2014 – Analogschaltungen im Systemkontext
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Shumate, Timmy; Rosen, Julius von; Hedrich, Lars (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany)
In this paper we propose an implementation of a reactive robotic architecture layer in combination with an analog artificial hormone system as a control unit to distribute tasks reliable. The system of redundant decentrally organized analog behaviors results in both, real-time ability to autonomously navigate an unknown and dynamic environment and robustness by avoiding single points of failure. An implementation and simulation of a prototypic robot consisting of a few behaviors suggest the functionality of the concept.