SAXS Measurements and Mapping of Particle Size Distributions of Nanoparticles Formed in Arcs between AgSnO2, Ag and Carbon Electrodes
Conference: ICEC 2014 - The 27th International Conference on Electrical Contacts
06/22/2014 - 06/26/2014 at Dresden, Deutschland
Proceedings: ICEC 2014
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Carvou, E.; Garrec, J. L. Le; Mitchell, J. B. A. (University of Rennes 1, IPR (UMR/CNRS 6251), 35042 Rennes, France)
Kin Choi, E.Yee (University of Rennes 1, IPR (UMR/CNRS 6251), 35042 Rennes, France; Metalor Technologies (France) SAS, Electrotechnics Division, BP 29, 28190 Courville-sur-Eure, France)
This article discusses recent synchrotron radiation based measurements of nanoparticles formation between arcing contacts. In these measurements, the mean size and surface morphology of the particles was determined by fitting a socalled Universal function to the scattering data which consists of scattered X-ray intensity plotted as a function of q = (4pi/λ)sin θ/2 where θ is the scattering angle and λ, the x-ray wavelength. By taking the inverse Fourier Transform of this scattering function, it is possible to determine the particle size distribution. We shall present this data, taken as a function of height above the interelectrode axis for the case of Ag, AgSnO2 and C contacts.