Registration methods for RGB-D cameras accelerated on GPUs
Conference: ISR/Robotik 2014 - 45th International Symposium on Robotics; 8th German Conference on Robotics
06/02/2014 - 06/03/2014 at München, Germany
Proceedings: ISR/Robotik 2014
Pages: 8Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Montoyo, Javier; Morell, Vicente; Cazorla, Miguel (University of Alicante, Dpto. Ciencia de la computacion e inteligencia artificial, Spain)
Garcia-Rodriguez, Jose; Orts Escolano, Sergio (University of Alicante, Dpto. Tecnologia informatica y computacion, Spain)
Registration of point clouds obtained from RGB-D sensors is a challenging and time demanding problem. In this paper we present the GPU implementation of different dense registration methods. Algorithms have been redesigned and optimized to maximize their performance on GPUs. A deep study has been developed in order to automatically estimate the best parameters to achieve a high speed-up and accurate results. A performance comparison with different GPUs is also provided. Accelerated registration methods can be applied to time constrain tasks like location and mapping in robotics field.