Flexible and Assistive Quality Checks with Industrial Robots
Conference: ISR/Robotik 2014 - 45th International Symposium on Robotics; 8th German Conference on Robotics
06/02/2014 - 06/03/2014 at München, Germany
Proceedings: ISR/Robotik 2014
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Rooker, Martijn; Hofmann, Michael; Minichberger, Juergen; Ikeda, Markus; Ebenhofer, Gerhard; Fritz, Gerald; Pichler, Andreas (PROFACTOR GmbH, 4407 Steyr-Gleink, Austria)
Although a lot of research has been performed to increase the flexibility of manufacturing processes, the quality control of the manufactured goods remains behind. Smaller lot-sizes and changing requirements towards products requires flexibility and quick reconfiguration possibilities for industrial inspection systems. Furthermore, to have a system working alongside a human person requires many factors that have to be taken into account, like e.g. safety. Finally, with the design of an automated system, the functionality of such system receives the highest priority, but the usability remains behind. One of the key factors for introducing assistive systems onto the manufacturing floor is the usability and the intuitiveness of the systems. This paper will present the work on a flexible quality inspection system in the area of an automotive production system. The main focus points within this research are to create a system that is capable of working alongside the human worker and is provided with intuitive configuration capabilities.