Development of a W-band Folded Waveguide TWT
Conference: GeMiC 2014 - German Microwave Conference
03/10/2014 - 03/12/2014 at Aachen, Germany
Proceedings: GeMiC 2014
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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H. Buessing,; Henke, H. (Technische Universitaet Berlin, Sekr. EN-2, Einsteinufer 17, 10587 Berlin, Germany)
Grede, A. (Huettinger Elektronik, Boetzinger Str. 80, 79111 Freiburg, Germany)
The RF structure development of a W-band folded waveguide TWT (traveling wave tube) is presented with special emphasis on fabrication techniques. After a short overview of the RF parameters first results on inline milling are given. Both a scaled-down structure at X-band and different W-band structures were fabricated by milling and measured. Results compare well with simulations. Keywords: traveling wave tube, folded waveguide, vacuum electronics