A Multi-Frequency Approach on Reflectometer Calibration Techniques
Conference: GeMiC 2014 - German Microwave Conference
03/10/2014 - 03/12/2014 at Aachen, Germany
Proceedings: GeMiC 2014
Pages: 4Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Zimmermanns, Marc; Will, Bianca; Rolfes, llona (Institute of Microwave Systems, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany)
This contribution illustrates a multi-frequency calibration approach for reflectometer measwements. The described algorithm is based on the weD-known calibration procedure introduced by the 3-Term error model. Therefore, three difl'erent reflection standards are necessary to obtain the error terms of the reDectometer. In contrast to existing methods with calibration standards of different medlanicallengtbs as a sliding short, our approach uses a frequency shift to change the electrical length of a given reflection standard resulting in a new so-called synthetic calibration standard. Thus, the number of physical calibration standards can be reduced and no mecbanical displacements are required.