NEMO – a novel techno-economic tool suite for simulating and optimizing solutions for grid integration of electric vehicles and charging stations
Conference: Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2013 – Energieversorgung auf dem Weg nach 2050 - Symposium 1: Security in Critical Infrastructures Today
11/05/2013 - 11/06/2013 at Berlin, Deutschland
Proceedings: Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2013 – Energieversorgung auf dem Weg nach 2050
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Erge, Thomas; Stillahn, Thies; Dallmer-Zerbe, Kilian; Wille-Haussmann, Bernhard (Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, Heidenhofstraße 2, 79110 Freiburg, Germany)
With an increasing use of electric vehicles (EV) grid operators need to predict energy flows depending on electromobility use profiles to accordingly adjust grid infrastructure and operation control accordingly. Tools and methodologies are required to characterize grid problems resulting from the interconnection of EV with the grid. The simulation and optimization tool suite NEMO (Novel E-MObility grid model) was developed within a European research project and is currently being tested using realistic showcases. It is a combination of three professional tools. One of the tools aims at a combined techno-economic design and operation, primarily modeling plants on contracts or the spot market, at the same time participating in balancing markets. The second tool is designed for planning grid extension or reinforcement while the third tool is mainly used to quickly discover potential conflicts of grid operation approaches through load flow analysis. The tool suite is used to investigate real showcases in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. First studies show that significant alleviation of stress on distribution grid lines could be achieved by few but intelligent restrictions to EV charging procedures.