Web Services Framework for Power Quality Monitoring
Conference: Smart SysTech 2013 - European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies
06/11/2013 - 06/12/2013 at Erlangen/Nuremberg, Germany
Proceedings: Smart SysTech 2013
Pages: 7Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Gómez, Francisco José; Meléndez, Joaquim; Herraiz, Sergio (Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems, University of Girona, Girona, Spain)
González, Eloy; López-Perea, Mercedes; Murphy Oconnor, Catherine (INDRA Software Labs, Madrid, Spain)
This work presents the development of Web Services for processing power quality data recorded by smart meters or other similar devices in Smart Grids. The aim of these Web Services is to implement signal processing algorithms in a distributed framework for characterizing disturbances (in particular, voltage sags), power quality assessment and fault location. The result can be integrated into architecture to facilitate the access and management of data coming from the different subsystems involved in the operation and exploitation of power networks, providing a flexible platform capable to manage huge amounts of data based on the Cloud Computing technology. Keywords — smart grid, cloud computing, power quality, web services, service oriented architecture, framework