Modeling of Electrical and Technological Parameters of Industrial Precipitators
Conference: Intelec 2013 - 35th International Telecommunications Energy Conference, SMART POWER AND EFFICIENCY
10/13/2013 - 10/17/2013 at Hamburg, Deutschland
Proceedings: Intelec 2013
Pages: 6Language: englishTyp: PDF
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Popa, Gabriel Nicolae; Deaconu, Sorin Ioan; Dinis, Corina Maria (Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Revolutiei str., no. 5, 331128, Hunedoara, Romania)
To optimal control of the dust emission at the precipitators’ output it is important to know the dependency between electrical and technological parameters. For an industrial precipitator were measured the total active (P), reactive (Q) and apparent (S) powers of precipitator from one section power supplies, mass-flow rate of steam (M) at the output of boiler, and dust emission (E) at the output of precipitator. To establish a mathematical model of a dependent parameter on other independent parameters, it can use the least squares method, which establishes minimum sum of square deviations for a certain mathematical function. To modeling of above parameters it was used least squares method to evaluate the evolution of dust emission E (dependent variable) depending the other parameters (from electrical power supplies: the active P, reactive Q and apparent S powers, and from the boiler: mass-flow rate of steam M). It was determined the mathematical modeling for E=f(Q,P), E=f(Q,M) with three types of equations: 2nd, 3rd, and 4th degrees equations. Also, it will be present E=f(Q,S,M). In this case, for function with three dimensional representation, the third parameter Q, S, or M it will be using the average value. The root-mean square deviations and correlations coefficients are presented for the three cases.